mei 2, 2024


Groenhuis is de toonaangevende aanbieder van kwalitatief Nederlands nieuws in het Engels voor een internationaal publiek.

Tardigrade Water Bear

Wat maakt dit wezen bijna onoverwinnelijk? Biologen kregen een nieuw inzicht

Tardigrades, ook wel bekend als waterberen, evolueerden meer dan 500 miljoen jaar geleden.

Onderzoekers verbeteren hun begrip van hoe sterk tardigrades zijn.

onderzoekers binnen Universiteit van Wyoming Ik leerde meer over de biologische processen die ervoor zorgen dat kleine organismen die bekend staan ​​als tardigrades jarenlang bestand zijn tegen extreme omstandigheden, zoals volledige uitdroging in schijndood.

Thomas Boothby, assistent-professor moleculaire biologie, en collega’s ontdekten hoe trehalose, een suiker, interageert met eiwitten om tardigrades in staat te stellen te overleven in afwezigheid van water. Hun bevindingen zijn onlangs gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift Communicatie biologie.

Tardigrades, ook wel bekend als waterberen, zijn minder dan een halve millimeter lang en kunnen uitdroging en bevriezing tot iets meer dan[{” attribute=””>absolute zero (approximately minus 458 degrees Fahrenheit, when all molecular motion ceases), heated to more than 300 degrees Fahrenheit, irradiated several thousand times beyond what a person can withstand, and even survive the vacuum of outer space.

Tardigrades’ ability to survive being dried out has perplexed scientists since it seems to vary from that of a number of other species that can enter suspended animation. Previously, scientists believed tardigrades did not produce trehalose to survive drying out, but Boothby and his colleagues discovered that they do, although at lower levels than other organisms.

The researchers also found that, in tardigrades, trehalose works synergistically with another tardigrade-specific protein called CAHS D.

Ultimately, Boothby and other researchers hope that their discoveries can be applied to help solve societal and global health issues — in this case, water scarcity. Their work might lead to better ways of stabilizing pharmaceuticals and generating engineered crops that can cope with harsh environments.

“A long-term goal of this field is to understand better how to confer the adaptation abilities of tardigrades to organisms that do not naturally survive drying,” Boothby says. “This study and its findings provide a compelling argument that to do so may require the combination of different, synergistic protectants.”

Reference: “Trehalose and tardigrade CAHS proteins work synergistically to promote desiccation tolerance” by Kenny Nguyen, Shraddha KC, Tyler Gonzalez, Hugo Tapia, and Thomas C. Boothby, 1 October 2022, Communications Biology.
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-04015-2

The study was funded by the National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the National Institutes of Health. 

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